A Sci-Fi vs Fantasy epic.

Ithea: One planet, two continents, divided by more than a vast ocean.

In Anthar, a radical experiment changes the course of...

G. G. Ross was born in Cardiff in 1987. He lives in South Wales with his partner and their two sons. His written work to date includes a few short stories on a misplaced USB stick and a handful of modestly successful plays. The God Stone: Book One is his debut novel. He is quietly but willfully completing the trilogy. His future works include:

The God Stone: Book Two

The God Stone: Book Three

The God Stone: Book One

A Sci-Fi vs Fantasy epic.

Ithea: One planet, two continents, divided by more than a vast ocean.

In Anthar, a radical experiment changes the course of history; a vital resource is destroyed, a planet disappears, and an ancient, sentient death is unknowingly awoken in the depths of space.

In Nephia, the Augurs of the Realms gather for the first time...

Latest Updates

I aim to have the first draft of Book Two completed before the end of March 2025! Readers on my mailing list will receive a sneak-peek access before the book's release!


Hello reader. If you have any questions or want to discuss my work with me, please submit your request here! I will endeavour to answer every email - within reason ... Thank you! George.